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Superfood Hot Cocoa
By Bianca Drennan, ND This is the perfect recipe to get your chocolate fix without all the guilt ...
Hygge Valentine’s Day – Spicy Baked Apples
By Barbara Adach, R.Ac Perhaps you have heard of the Danish word ‘hygge’ (hoo-ga or hue-ga) whic...
The Sweet Stuff
Dr. Bianca Drennan ND I get asked a lot about the different types of sugar and which one is best for...
My Top 5 Diet Myths
By Bianca Drennan, ND As we enter a new year, many of you may be making New Year’s Resolutions. Of...
Winter Survival Guide
By Barbara Adach, R.Ac Welcome to 2017! In Canada, the start of a new year means that we are getti...
Indian-Spiced Tomato and Coconut Chicken
By Bianca Drennan, ND This Indian-spiced coconut chicken is incredibly warming for the colder months...
Preventing Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies
You probably already know eating a well-balanced diet is vital for good health. Essential vitamins a...
Foggy Mind and Mental Fatigue
By Jennifer Keith, R.Ac Acupuncturist As the days become shorter, the temperature drops and the pres...
10 Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating
Dr. Bianca Drennan, Naturopathic Doctor As we approach the holiday season (hard to believe it is her...
Shredded Kale and Brussels Sprout Salad
by Dr. Bianca Drennan, ND This is a delicious and seasonal salad that is perfect as a healthy...
Holistic Treatment for High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure also called hypertension, can lead to life-threatening conditions. Althou...
Natural Anti-Aging Strategies
Who doesn’t want to find the fountain of youth? Many of us strive to look and feel as young...